Melanie Coles

MELANIE always loved stories. While most kids at school spent their lunch times climbing tyre walls or playing kiss-chasey, she was in the library with her nose in a book, a pen in her hand or her head in the clouds.
She misplaced her writing mojo sometime after high school but thankfully rediscovered it in some twenty years later! She now juggles writing with family life and her job as a Mortgage Broker Assistant. A hopeless romantic, she’s addicted to chocolate and happy-ever-afters*may* have an obsession with Jane Austen as evidenced by her first novel, Evan and Darcy – a modern, gender-swapped retelling of Pride and Prejudice set in the Australian outback. It was published by Escape Publishing in 2016. Coordinator of the MRWG since late 2020, she loves to see our members engage, learn, grow and thrive as they journey together through writing. Melanie lives in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne with her two sports-crazed sons and a tabby cat Milo.
She misplaced her writing mojo sometime after high school but thankfully rediscovered it in some twenty years later! She now juggles writing with family life and her job as a Mortgage Broker Assistant. A hopeless romantic, she’s addicted to chocolate and happy-ever-afters*may* have an obsession with Jane Austen as evidenced by her first novel, Evan and Darcy – a modern, gender-swapped retelling of Pride and Prejudice set in the Australian outback. It was published by Escape Publishing in 2016. Coordinator of the MRWG since late 2020, she loves to see our members engage, learn, grow and thrive as they journey together through writing. Melanie lives in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne with her two sports-crazed sons and a tabby cat Milo.